Thursday, August 31, 2006
Howard Hughes was so obsessed with health that he once wrote out nine-step instructions to his housekeepers on how to open a can of fruit. He used Kleenex tissues on everything, and refused to touch doorknobs or let other people use his bathroom. He even kept a urine collection, purportedly for medical testing.
Charles Darwin was a life-long hypochondriac who kept a daily diary for six years that featured a running commentary on the state of his health.
Napoleon Bonaparte had a lifelong fear and hatred of
medicine. To combat his hypochondria, he took steaming hot baths, and developed meticulous grooming habits. He suffered a plethora of maladies, most of them the result of stress, including: skin disorders, ulcers, dysuria, and a nervous cough.
Alfred Lord Tennyson was beset by seizures, fits and trances, which included seeing animals floating across his field of vision. He was obsessed with going bald and blind. Among the treatments he sought was a radical form of water therapy called hydropathy, which included being rolled naked into blankets and then plunged into water.
Essayist H.L. Mencken suffered an obsessive-compulsive need to continually wash his hands. Among his real-or-imagined maladies was a chronic sore throat, hives, low blood pressure, lumbago, sinus infections, ulcers, and hemorrhoids.
Monday, August 28, 2006
on sat went down to sd wit ting to help annie tsai move in. was supposed to be all of us (the 6) but chang and angel flaked out. bah. anyway. so we went down pretty early. got there a bit before 10am i think? moved her out, then moved her in (to a garage. it's temp). went to lunch at an italian place where we found out that annie's basically moved in right next to some big prostitution and drug ring. ... after lunch, went back to tsai's to take a nap. (we were pooped!) then went to extraordinary desserts and then ting and i headed on home.
1. tsai and bill. 2. some desserts at the resturant. 3 & 4. the ones we ordered. guava, white chocolate and... triple chocolate or something? 5. ting: flower girl.
the emmys. best dressed (and some worst) and the worst dressed (some of which i definitly disagree wit).
Thursday, August 24, 2006
very vera
no more pots
scary thing happened yesterday. i was windexing my mom's car windows when i heard my mom yell from inside the house. i didn't think anything of it tho. maybe she saw a bug or was just yelling at my uncle again? soon my uncle comes to the garage and says to me "your mother wants you. your dad fell down and is bleeding all over the place." you kno that place downstairs next to our closet door? the corner from the entryway to our family room. when i came in my dad was kneeling there wit his hands on his head. the ceramic pot was all broken up and there was blood all over. appt he tripped or slipped or something? anyway, it looked pretty bad (but i mean, all head injuries bleed a ton). but after we washed off some of the blood we saw that it really was rather serious.
so i went to call kaiser perm. the emergency number on the back of my card. and i got a machine that tells me to call somewhere else. i call that number and get kaiser billing dept. so i call some other number and like 5 menus later i still didn't kno where to take him! argh! wtf sort of emergency number is this! anyway, i end up calling like two other numbers. and finally get to talk to someone. and she's all asking for like his med number and i interrupt her and ask for my nearest emergency place. she tells me harbor and something. my mom asks about the bellflower clinic. i ask her and she says that yeah that one's probably closer. i ask for the address or cross streets and she doesn't kno! she was nice tho, was trying to think it up for me. but i'm like, wtf? why isn't this in your damn computer!
anyway, so i tell my mom to turn on the comp and i look up kaiser info and soon enough we are on our way to the hosp. then my rents get the brilliant idea that somehow the lakeview one is closer. well, i really don't kno. so i start driving there. turns out it's like hella far from the bellflower one. like twice the distance!
anyway, so we get there. and get helped like 2.5 hours later. ...well, it's not like he was dying or anything. but still. eesh. and when we got there, there was this old guy who was in bad shape. shaking all over, wheelchair, blood all over his shorts.. anyway, he had peed and it was all over the floor and when we left the hospital 3 hours later it still wasn't cleaned up. he had been taken care of much ealier however, thank god. but yeah, so my dad got stitches in four places on his head! forehead, eyebrow, cheek, and lip. jesus! i guess he's okay tho. he went to work today. he said he's gonna tell everyone that my mom got pissed at him and knifed him when he complained about dinner. oish. and about this title. we had a mirror there a couple years ago. i had placed it leaning against the wall in back of the ceramic pot. and my dad broke it. he was opening the closet door and his sleeve caught on the mirror or something. and then last night he falls into the corner and breaks the pot. so we were joking that from now on we should put pillows in that corner, just in case.
day was esp scary for my mom. she had gotten her tb skin test a couple days ago and went in to check it yesterday morning. i already knew she was gonna test positive tho. i mean, i had taken the same test earlier this year and so i kno wat a negative test looks like! anyway, she didn't believe me. and went in and got told she was positive. then she had to take an xray for it. she'll get those results back in a couple weeks. it doesn't really mean anything tho. both my rents are positive for tb and hepb. i think most of my rent's generation my taiwan are. but it's not as tho they actually have the disease. they've just come in contact wit it sometime or another. but she was pretty freaked out by it. thought it meant she was sick or something...
pretty fucking scary day!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
not equal to
right now i love reep more than he loves me. and think, actually, it's quite a bit more. more than, in any case, i am comfortable wit. i think normally i would then try to love him less. not, like, focus on his faults or mistakes. but just try to be more distant. but now i'm troubled by my earlier thoughts of being entitled to love. so wat to do now? i suppose i could con him, somehow, into loving me more. be a better girlfriend, be more attentive, and the love will follow. but i'd also have to keep in mind that i'm just playing a part. once i'm sure he loves me more than i love him, i need to be careful not to fall into the trap of loving him even more, being that now he is being (in response to me) more loving, therefore more lovable. but besides the complications, even more to the point, this is rather cruel. and not at all wat love should be like.
but really, love should not be like any of this at all. i should love him regardless of how much he loves me. and in no way should i try to love him less. this is no contest. and if it were, wouldn't we both then be losing? so how then? how do you content yourself wit being the lesser loved?

if you like kidrobot then you'll also probably like rotogufi and munky king. (pictures respectively)
(even tho i finally got faster internet i'm still too lazy to troll around for interesting links...)
+------------------ Bizarre Con Artists -------------------+
In 1872, veteran prospectors Philip Arnold and John Slack bought $35,000 worth of diamonds in Europe and scattered them on land in Wyoming. They managed to convince the Bank of San Francisco they had discovered a diamond field and made $700,000.
Starting in 1921, Oscar Merril Hartzell began a scam selling fake shares in the estate of Sir Francis Drake. He contacted as many families as he could find with the surname Drake and was eventually accused of defrauding 270,000 people. The hoax netted him over $2,000,000.
When J. Bam Morrison arrived at Wetumka, Oklahoma in 1950, he claimed to be the advance publicity man for Bohn's United Circus, which, he maintained, was due to hit town in three weeks. He allegedly sold advertising space to local traders... for a circus that didn't exist.
By forging signatures, James Addison Reavis was able to claim he was the legal owner of 17,000 square miles of Arizona. The enterprise raked in $300,000 a year until he was arrested in 1895 and he was sentenced to six years in prison.
Joseph Weill, who inspired the movie "The Sting," rented abandoned banks and convinced businessmen that he had set up a genuine bank. He waited for them to deposit large sums of money before shutting down and moving on to the next town. This, plus some of his other scams, earned him over $6,000,000.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
last night i went to robert's house and played scrabble and boggle. ting's really good at boogle. robert's pretty good too. i, of course, suck. surprisingly, however, i actually won at our game of scrabble.
then today i went out wit harry and felix to tommy's hamburgers. they're pretty good, and really close too. on alondra and pioneer. actually, the other week reep and i were in la waiting in line at pink's. we were already really hungry and you kno how long the line is... anyway, reep suggested going to tommy's, which is sorta in the area, but i was like, well since we're already here... then the other day harry was talking about this place wit good chili named tom's or tommy's or something. and then we get there today and i'm like hey, was this the place reep was talking about? and it was! of course, it wasn't the same location, this one is near home, but yeah. then i come home and appt both my rents have eaten there before. my mom at this one and my dad at the og la one. he's also eaten at pink's before too. ... gee thanks guys for never telling me about these places!
even guinness book or world records has joined in on the snarkiness. they have officially named paris hilton as 'the most over-rated celeb'. ...come on guys, don't you have more important things to rate?
and i'm not sure whether to be offended or pleased by this article aol has on "how to land a rich man". on one hand, thanks for the tips! ... but on the other...
Friday, August 18, 2006
oh wow!
oh wow! guess who the next target go international designer is? behnaz sarafpour! wow! and here is the preview. :) i love her clothing normally, and looking at this preview stuff the collection looks amazing. i'm seriously so excited! i am confused about the dates tho. it looks as tho this collection should already be released, and yet i kno for a fact that it isn't. and like half of the paul and joe collection hasn't even been released yet. ...wat is going on?
another problem between us is that i feel like he always blames me for things. which is easy, because i always blame myself first too. but then i think about the situation and then sometimes i end up shifting the blame to him, if i think he really is one at fault. but i feel like wit him, he just blames me. end of story. he says he doesn't. but i dunno. he doesn't often say that he's sorry, you kno?
oh, and jesus this bothers me about people (and sometimes reep too): people who don't say 'thank you' and 'sorry'. wtf is wrong wit them? i cannot stand people who don't appreciate. other people don't have to do things for you. they are not paid to supply you equipment, to ask you on a trip, to drive you around, to make life easier for you. and yet when you don't give a simple 'thank you' it makes them feel as if you expect this of them. as if you think it's their job to do things for you. well fuck you. it's not my job. i'm just a thoughtful or responsible person is all. the least you can do is fucking say 'thank you.'
Thursday, August 17, 2006
paul & joe
Question: If you could live forever, would you and why?
Answer: "I would not live forever, because we should not live forever, because if we were supposed to live forever, then we would live forever, but we cannot live forever, which is why I would not live forever." - Miss Alabama, 1994 Miss USA Pageant
"Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two, but can't remember what they are." - Mat Lauer, Today Show, NBC
"I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law." - David Dinkins, New York City Mayor answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes.
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." - Brooke Shields
"We're going to turn this team around 360 degrees." - Jason Kidd, Dallas Mavericks
"I'm not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president." - Hillary Clinton
"China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese." - Charles De Gaulle, former French President
"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country." - Marion Barry, Washing, D.C. Mayor
"It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." - Dan Quayle, U.S. Vice President
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
picture perfect
yay we finally got cable internet which means that my posts should be more like they were before i came back from school. probably not as frequent, but still definitely more pictures.
so i kno you've read thing after thing on how to get perfect skin and all that bs, but has a pretty nice page on it. but even if you're not all that interested in nice skin (and you really should be at least a little concerned) then at least check out the page for the great photography.
hehe we're finally got our cable internet and tv! hehe! btw, i've updated some of the posts below wit pictures now, so go check those out. my site should be more pictureful from now on. still no "music i'm listening to" however because i'm on my home comp and not my school one, where all my music is located. and right below in this post are some random pictures of me and girls at target and costco.
Monday, August 14, 2006
beddie bye
'Gender-bending' pollution is being blamed for an alarming trend occurring in English rivers - a third of male fish are changing sex. Female hormones from the contraceptive pill and HRT are being washed into the rivers, causing male fish to produce eggs. This problem is raising fears that the pollutants could also contaminate drinking water and even affect men's fertility. Research by the Environment Agency shows that a third of the male fish were between sexes, but in one waterway near a heavy discharge of treated sewage, over 80 percent had female characteristics. These tests revealed the males developed female sex organs and were producing eggs.
and the 'magnetic bed'. (thanks to ting and reep for sending this link)
Sunday, August 13, 2006
i don't come online all that much because we're still on dailup here at home. however, on wednesday that will change! we're getting cable internet and tv. YAY!!! :) as reep commented to me the other day, we've been making a lot of tech advances at our house. we got a new tv and new phones (reach me at only my 233 number from now on). i'm pretty sure that from then on i'll be online quite a bit more, and will start updating more, and better! wit pictures finally!
on wednesday the ninth went up to la to try to see under the influence of giants. surprisingly they were sold out! guess they're becoming popular? appt they're on tv now? which makes me a little sad, because it means i'll probably never really get to see them preform again, but at the same time i wish them all the best. btw, get their self-titled cd. i got mine last tuesday! oh, one more thing, that night, saw a maserati, a bugatti, and a rolls. gotta love that la scene.
then thursday went out wit my tutoring guys and saw talladega nights: the ballad of ricky bobby. twas funny! reep didn't like it much. said something to the effect of how it was funny because it was random. i think some of it was a bit too random but some parts were just freakin hilarious. (btw, did not like the applebee's commerical in the middle of the flip scene. thought they should've used a fake advert for a made-up product. i read in the la times that the ad was really real, one used in the past. ...) i think it was an added bonus that i really do like nascar.
we had our db garage sale this saturday. we posted up signs too late tho (appt the garage sale group starts early, from 7-9am!) so we only made $80. on sunday we were supposed to resume our sale but phil got tired and didn't think he could wake up that early so we cancelled. went over later and packed up stuff to donate to the salvation army only to find out that they probably wouldn't accept much of it. ended up throwing some away, giving some to song (for a future garage sale), some to his mom, donated some to their church's boy scout group, and the books and such to various libraries. all in all a bit disapointing because of the lack of effort on behalf of the team. oh well.
Queen Quen

Sunday, August 6, 2006
i'm back!
had a really fun weekend. i haven't been camping in years. and this was the first time i had went wit just friends. before was wit the rents or wit my girl scout troop (troop 152!). anyway, the camp site was pretty nice. a bit too crowded, but rather spacious. the bathrooms were close by and were fully equiped (flush toilets, mirrors, running water, showers, laundry...). and the lake was withing walking distance. actually the lake was a little bit disapointing because there wasn't really much of a shore. it wasn't a swimming lake, it was a boating lake. and unfortunately we didn't end up renting boats because the people running the rental shop were sorta whack. but we mainly spent the time playing games and just chilling. good weekend. :)
1. in the morning in the tent. sleepy heads except for thy, who's smiling up at the camera. 2 & 3. at the lake. pretty and breezy. 4. me in a 'shampoo' advert.
Friday, August 4, 2006
i'm going camping this weekend at lake piru near ventura. my dad's been there a couple times and says that while it's not the most beautiful place it has a lot of shade. anyway, so i'm planning on coming back saturday but maybe sunday? depending on how much fun i have. oh, and btw i'm going wit friends, not my rents, cause it's shady, get it, hahaha! ...yeah, that was hella lame...
last night i went out wit some people from hs for dinner at cpk at the mall. after that we went to the cerritos sculpture garden and hung out on the 'mound' for a bit, just talking and catching up. all in all we had about 10 people show up. it was pretty cool cause most of us didn't really talk much in hs, and yet here we are... :)
robyn rhodes
dead pres
Most-visited presidential grave: John F. Kennedy's in Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Va.
The only other president buried in Arlington: William Howard Taft.
The only president buried in Washington, D.C. proper: Woodrow Wilson, who was laid to rest in the National Cathedral.
The only president buried on the grounds of a state capitol: James Polk in Nashville, Tenn.
The only presidents buried together: John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams are in a basement crypt in Quincy, Mass.
The two presidents who died on the same day: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died July 4, 1826.
The states with the most presidential burial sites: Ohio and Virginia (tie).
Tuesday, August 1, 2006
if you kno wat this is about, then you kno. if you don't, then ask. maybe i'll tell you.
rip: apparently he called her to make sure she was coming because of how you felt about her, and she said that she was because she didnt think that things were too bad anymore
me: well, she thought wrong!!
rip: yeah, well, i figure its cuz i didnt tell her anything, and like me, on saturday, i thought things were getting better too =\
me: well, you definitly thought wrong
me: and i mean... obviously, others wouldn't kno better, but you really should have
btw, she may have the 'right' like everyone else to come to a db team event. but she did not have the privledge of coming to my house. she's not been to a single social event all year. so why this one?
sometimes one ought to think for others. it may not be a big deal to you, but perhaps it means the world to someone else. so why not just check to make sure? assume something incorrectly and it only serves to make an ass out of you and me.