Saturday, May 30, 2020

more giving trends

Campbell Rinker, a California-based marketing research firm that caters to nonprofits, polled 630 U.S. adults from April 17 to 20. Participants had given at least $20 to charity in 2019.

20% of donors in a new survey said they won’t give to charity until the economy is back up and running
53% said they plan to continue giving but will do so “more carefully” than before
the remaining 28% said they planned to maintain their giving despite the pandemic

I'm planning to give more this year. last year I donated to a friend's biking fundraising campaign and I gave to the non-profit I worked for. this year, I'm definitely planning to give at least $300. it'll be non-taxed so I'm going to use to use it as my goal, and hopefully something I can surpass!

Monday, May 18, 2020

trans rights

"discrimination laws don't apply to transgender people"?! well, I looked up the laws and can see how they don't. =\ I mean, technically transgender people change their gender, but not their sex (which is biological and has to do with the x and y chromosomes) so I can see how a total asshole of an employer could legally discriminate someone over this.

an article about Aminee Stephens and her case: She came out as transgender and got fired. Now her case might become a test for LGBTQ rights before the US Supreme Court.

the case is still pending, but hopefully, if SCOTUS does hear it, they make the right decision. transpeople already suffer so much, they should be protected against employment discrimination.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

new donation tax rule for 2020

added bonus for donating in 2020 (which is super important because non-profits are really struggling right now, especially small and medium ones), for those that file standard deductions (almost 90% of people) you can report up to an additional $300 in donations for 2020. and this MAY not be ongoing, i.e. this may only be valid for 2020 so it's really important to stretch your money and donate this year.

"How the new $300 "Universal" deduction works"

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

may 2020 donation

this month I donated $30 to a friend's pet food bag terracycle box campaign! so many of the things we put into our recycling bin can't be recycled, but terracycle is a company that specializes in recycling difficult to recycle products. in this case, jojo bought 3 boxes to be placed in different locations. boxes cost about $130 and cover shipping costs both ways, plus some extra.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

giving trends

notes about giving during this time: "Where donors are giving in the coronavirus era: A survey conducted in mid-April by the University of San Diego in partnership with the Chronicle shows that donors since the pandemic have been giving more to health organizations. Meanwhile, many are cutting back on environmental and education giving, writes Michael Theis."

"Americans who have given to charity during the past 12 months have dropped to a historic low of 73%, according to new survey from Gallup. The study also confirmed other data suggesting a decline in fewer donors overall in recent years."