Friday, April 8, 2005


if you've ever read brave new world by huxley then this smell-o-vision should be somewhat familiar. appt the mysterious and ever industrious 'they' are devolping a tv that also (sorta) projects smell. weird. i wonder, will this change the world of anal sex porn (wait, i don't kno if that smells...) okay. will this change the world or fecal porn? um... anyway. enough about that... but in other realms of the human imagination, whoever came up wit the idea of shakeskin is just weird. seriously. but more weird than the people who submitted photos? i dunno... but i do kno that none of them are more weird than these ninja nuns (scoll bar on left. and yayaya. i kno they aren't nuns. but that doesn't make it any less weird.). and in closing, a mildly entertaining stick fight.

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