Thursday, April 7, 2005

silver screen?

i don't get it, why is it called the silver screen? anyway. i always thought penelope cruz was incredibly gorgeous. but i think somehow she's gotten worse. i don't kno how either. cause it's not like her skin is bad. it's her actual face. like, her nose and ears and head shape and jaw. she looks really damn weird. who knew? at any rate. i was going thru ebay tonight and found all these matrix movie posters i've never before seen matrix reloaded: neo face, trinity face, morpheus face, and niobe. kind of want the neo one. don't kno why. i don't even really like keanu, he's a terrible actor. also haven't ever seen this poster from the first matrix, this signed poster. i don't remember that background. i guess it wasn't a popular one. which is good. cause it looks all cheesy. and for those of you who, like me, loved life aquatic (cool site, btw, catchy music), here's a buncha movie paraphernalia (paging my sugar daddy...): red cap!, and assorted intern shirts.   btw, i think imma go buy that movie poster. and just maybe the cd. so cool! kno for sure tho, that imma get the dvd as soon as it comes out. yay! btw, shannon, short nails OR long nails. not both. eesh.

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