Thursday, November 20, 2014

big and tall

petition to old navy to stop up-charging for women's plus sized clothing:

video of the issue and gap inc's (gap owns old navy) response:

it doesn't bother me that retailers charge more for plus sized clothing. it absolutely bothers me that they charge more for plus sized women's and not plus sized men's! but after watching the today show video, i wonder if there isn't some truth behind why they charge extra for women's than for men's. however! i think the main reason they charge women more is that they know women will pay it. in my life, the women all have way more clothes than their significant others. they all shop more than the men to do. so i think that it does come down to sexism. which is unfair and wrong, tho not entirely unexpected.

women routinely are up-charged for all sorts stuff. everything to shampoo to razors, lotion to deodorant, even hair cuts. you'll notice that salons prices differently for men or women. but no on the complexity of the cut! it's true that many men have simpler hair styles than women, but not all of them! some people refer to this as the "pink tax."

i don't like the color pink, or most pastel colors, so i don't at all mind buying men's products instead. i have before, actually. problem is that they don't sell the same. men's scents are musky and not my thing. i do like floral and citrus scents. which men's personal products don't smell like. bah. but anyway. the pink tax is bullshit.

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