Thursday, November 13, 2014


you know this occurrence, you just don't know the name of it. frequency illusion, also known as baader-meinhof phenomenon (not to be confused with the red army faction of kind of the same name!) is where once you notice / learn something, you see it EVERYWHERE.

wikipedia defines it as: the illusion in which a word, a name or other thing that has recently come to one's attention suddenly seems to appear with improbable frequency shortly afterwards

short article on why it happens and an even shorter article on how it go it's name

the most recent time i remember this happening was a couple years ago when i finally committed to memory the term "rube goldberg machine." i'd learnt it before for always forgot it, so wanted to make a point of remembering it. and for a while it seemed like the universe was intent of me remember the term too! a rube goldberg device, btw, is where they have long and complicated contraptions meant to do a very simple thing. a video of it is as follows:

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