Tuesday, July 1, 2014

religious prosecution

ugh, this hobby lobby scotus thing. i'm not going to say much about it because, well, i think you can probably guess how i feel about it. but i absolutely agree with ginsburg saying that scotus "has ventured into a minefield." (the rest of the dissent is pretty good also, but here are a few highlights)

this video tho, lol:

i feel like america is getting stupider. most countries, certainly first world ones, seem to be getting smarter. but we're stuck quibbling about dumb shit like whether we should allow guns in bars (we should NOT), teaching religion in science class (we should NOT), and whether or not we should let people drink extra large sodas. ugh. seriously. as much as i love america, i really hate americans (well, not all of us. i'm pretty fucking awesome, afterall, ha!). i'm know that there are stupid people all over. and that every country hates the majority of it's politicians, but seriously. we're among the worst. almost makes you feel like democracy is just as stupid of an idea as communism.

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