Sunday, April 22, 2012


a friend recently asked me why i don't believe in god. i responded that it's because i don't believe in a soul. no soul, no afterlife, no need for religion, i.e. no god!

so why don't i believe in a soul? 1. because i just don't believe. and belief cannot be commanded. 2. there's no concrete evidence of anything supernatural. sure, science doesn't have explanations for everything, but maybe it just doesn't yet.

btw, the science i'm talking are the physical sciences. so biology, archeology, astronomy, chemistry... stuff that can be proved with hard math and physical evidence. so currently unexplainable psychology stuff or cognitive science doesn't count. (for example, why some studies show that prayer seems to heal the sick faster even when the sick person doesn't know they're being prayed over [of course, other studies show just the opposite so who knows?]).

but if you had a real "miracle" then i'd have no choice but to believe! my friend suggested something like jesus feeding 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. that would totally do it. tho a statue "weeping blood" will not. ...not unless it's actual blood and scientists really can't figure out where it's coming from.

btw, tho i'm not religious, i do have respect for religion. and i think it can work hand in hand with science. and i think it's so weird so many religious people outright deny legitimate science. for example, the most widely accepted scientific explanation for the beginning of the universe is the big bang theory. but there's no explanation for what came before that, or even why it happened. so why not god? science hasn't at all disproved the existence of god (and honestly, science can't disprove something doesn't exist. it can only prove that something does), so why not believe in actual facts and fill in the rest with religion? there's little to no overlap!

(want to learn more about the world's religion? here's some stats)


Angeline said...

I'm also baffled by religious people that deny science. To me, science is just a peek into the mechanics of God's creation. (I mean, itty bitty bitty mitochondria to store energy and power the body?!? That had to take some planning.)

step said...

yeah, you'd think that everyone would welcome science. it just "proves" how amazing and smart god is!!