Wednesday, April 25, 2012

god created science!

1. i can't understand why some people deny evolution (and science in general). 2. i don't understand why some people think evolution and [the christian] religion are completely incompatible. sure, you won't be able to take the bible at complete literal value, but most christians already don't. it's symbolic allegory. so why not the story of the creation of mankind as well?

there is actual proof of evolution. there is no proof to the contrary. seriously. all well-respected scientists in the revelatory fields agree that evolution happened / is happening now. so what does that mean for god? nothing! why couldn't he have created evolution (and all laws of science) also? don't you want a god who is so smart that he makes things in an orderly fashion that follows rules (like thermodynamics, gravity...)? i would find it troubling to have an all-powerful being that does stuff willy-nilly!

if i believed in god, i would find it reassuring that he seems to thoughtfully create things. if he did stuff haphazardly (that is, maybe he has a purpose, but there doesn't seem to be any order) i would feel like he didn't really care about his creations.

this should make sense to most people. we take care of the things we care about. we wash our clothes, get mad when someone scratches our car, don't lend stuff to people who constantly lose their own belongings... we trust people we can depend on. but can we depend on a someone who does things carelessly? no. which is why if you believe in a benevolent god, you really should believe in an orderly, careful one. i.e., one who creates the world according to the laws of science, like evolution.

besides, what would be the point of god, after haphazardly making the world, planting "evidence" for geologists, chemists, archeologists, astronomers, biologists, all scientists... to repeat millions of tests only to find no convincing anomalies in the laws of nature? that would be a mean god indeed! it's like he wants people to believe based on faith of a literal bible alone, when all evidence proves otherwise. when he made humans with the innate logic and reasoning, and the desire to find out why and how. what a conniving, deceptive, and manipulative god!

i refuse to believe that a supposedly benevolent god would make everything according to the rules of nature (rules he made up), and give us the intelligence to figure out those rules, only to be really testing us to make sure that we don't believe what science proves to be true and instead wants us to believe in things that are quite obviously stories written for a time before science came aroun.

(semi-related article about a town that pretty much all believes in creationism) 

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