Friday, March 25, 2011


"The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers authorized the creation of an .xxx suffix for pornography Web sites." [source]

i think this is a great idea! altho i think an even better idea would be to make all porn sites register for .xxx, tax them, and fine porn sites who use anything other than .xxx.

1. if all porn sites are under .xxx it would be a lot easier for schools, libraries, and offices to ban access to .xxx'es from their computers.

2. rip asked why i would want to levy a tax on all .xxx'es. ...well, why not? we tax nearly everything else don't we? also, this way i think there would be fewer free porn sites, which means that kids (well, those without access to credit or debit cards anyway) won't be able to see it. which is good, because that's illegal anyway.

3. the fine for porn sites using regular .com or .net is pretty self explanatory. more money for the govt. which means less taxes for the rest of us.

1 comment:

t said...

i completely agree!! what an excellent way to levy more taxes so we can pull ourselves out of debt. that's not going to happen anytime soon, but man, the porn industry is huge! imagine how much revenue that would generate. and i completely agree on the banning by schools, etc. it would make things so much easier. c'mon, govt, get a move on!