Monday, March 28, 2011

fair wages

when people talk about illegal immigration they're usually (especially here in so cal) talking about the ones (usually from mexico) who come and do agricultural work (or other labor work) for under minimum wage.

i know a major argument of those "supporting" illegal immigration is that a lot of those aliens are doing jobs most americans don't want to do anyway. but besides that farming is really hard work, maybe it's because many of those farms aren't willing to pay fair wages. so what legal citizen is going to work there? i don't think even a small percentage of americans would. probably only a teeny tiny number. why work in a field doing back breaking labor if you can work in a store and get paid more money?

but most illegals can't find work that pays legal amounts, so they have to work for employers who are willing to take the risk of hiring them. and if a company is willing to do that, why would they pay fair wages? there's certainly no reason to (other than those pesky moral ones). there's nothing on paper, nothing to report, and more profits this way.

you wouldn't let a company get away with paying legal citizens anything less than minimum wage, so why it is okay that they pay illegal workers so little? just because they don't pay taxes? well, how much do you pay in taxes per paycheck? no more than 25% most likely, so shouldn't illegals get paid at least 75% of minimum wage? (of course, part of your taxes goes to social security, which illegals cannot take advantage of) whether you are for tighter or looser immigration laws, i don't think you can argue that people deserve far more or far less compensation for the same amount of work simply because of how they entered a country.

instead of getting mad at illegals, or border patrol, or bleeding heart liberals, maybe we should get mad at those who are exploiting the poor.

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