Wednesday, November 30, 2005


so! threadless is having their annual $10 christmas sale. and reepal and i finally decided to spring for a couple shirts. he got goldie. and i got summer (so pretty!) and bleeding heart. i've wanted this one pretty much since i've seen it. i even requested a reprint. actually, i really wanted the red version but they only reprinted it in black. bleh. everyone has this shirt! and it's so cliche in black! eh, watever. i'll jump off the bandwagon when i see fit. and guess wat? reep got them for me for christmas! yay! hehe. me loves! and he said he was gonna get me flowers in the attic but they didn't have my size anymore. :( so wat am i to get him for christmas then? he says he needs some winter work clothes. so we're gonna go shopping and i'll buy him something. so really, it's sorta like a double christmas present for me cause i get to go shopping. hehe!


and yeah, bleeding heart shirt twice, but i couldn't decide which picture i liked better. and yeah. i kno. i'm so emo. but notice, i am smiling. altho, inside ::sniff::

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