Wednesday, November 30, 2005

shanghai museum

after my tour i spent a few days 'alone' in shanghai. i met up wit my parents' friend who arranged a place for me to stay. i hung out wit her a bit too, but she had work so i had a lot of alone time. :) anyway, my first day alone i spent at the shanghai museum. i went because i thought i should go. but wasn't prepared to really enjoy it. surprise surprise! i've been to a bunch of museums in the past. all somewat enjoyable if a little boring. but this time i really took my time and had... well, not fun, but fun, you kno? i guess it's because it was different from the stuff i normally see, all that european (western, really) art. and this stuff, it was so new to me. it was awesome. seriously.


picture one and two: the museum had an amazing bronze collection. the first picture is of a (wine?) vessel. it's in the shape of an ox. it's so cute! the second is a vase (if you look closely, you can see my reflection on the left. picture three is of this dude in the pottery gallery. some god or warrior guy? he crushes demons (altho it's so funny because it looks like he's just stepping on some ugly kid). picture four is of the inside of the museum. main hall i suppose. it was beautifully done. one side was stairs the other was escalaters. the last picture is of the outside (duh) of the museum. great contrasts between the curves and the edges. everything was just gorgeous. more museum pictures romrow.

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