Monday, October 24, 2005


From "The Best Baby Name Book in the Whole Wild World" by Bruce Lansky  

"Ann Landers wrote about a couple who has six children, all named Eugene Jerome Dupuis, Junior. The children answer to One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six, respectively!"  

"Tonsilitis Jackson has brothers and sisters named Meningitis, Appendicitis, and Peritonitis."  

"A couple in Louisiana named their children after colleges: Stanford, Duke, T'Lane, Harvard, Princeton, Auburn and Cornell. The parents' names? Stanford, Sr., and Loyola."  

"In 1979, the Pennsylvania Health Department discovered these two first names among the 159,000 birth certificates issued in the state that year - Pepsi and Cola."  

"Zachary Zzzzra has been listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as making 'the most determined attempt to be the last personal name in a local telephone directory' in San Francisco."  

"One family which was not terribly successful in limiting its expansion has a series of children called, respectively, Finis, Addenda, Appendix, Supplement and Errata." 

1 comment:

tggrpounce said...

people are crazy and really mean!! how could they do that to their children!?