Wednesday, July 13, 2005


i told erin (a friend from taiwan who's living wit me for the summer) a while ago about the stuff between reep, al2 and me. and on this last sunday we went to db together and coincidentally al2 sat in front of erin on the boat. i didn't say anything to her while we were there. nor did i treat al2 any differently than i treated others (i didn't really talk to anyone much that day, just erin really). but later as we were driving back to lp i asked if she remembered me telling her about al2 and told her who it was. erin immediately went off on how she doesn't like her either. lol. see, when we were on the water, phil asked for her name and had everyone say hello. both boats did so but i guess al2 didn't. i asked erin how she knew al2 didn't as she was sitting in front of her but erin pointed out that she should have at least tipped her head around when saying hello (she also pointed out that agatha, al2's rowing partner did). and i agree that either way (saying it and not turning around or just not saying it) seems rather rude. erin then started pointing all this other stuff: how she wears makeup to db (i always thought this was weird too. we're exercising for god's sake, wat's wit the eyeliner?) and how she wears it poorly (too much foundation/powder and in the wrong color [i never noticed, not wearing much makeup myself]). then she said al2 has fatty arms which i totally did not see. i've not paid attention to her arms or anything but db is an all body sport so i think maybe erin was just begin picky (or who knows, maybe just super observant)? she then started divining these things about her attitude saying that she seems a bit erm... well i kno the chinese but... i guess. petulant? peevish? well, you get the point. and how she thinks that al2 purposely acts 'coy' to get to reep. which i don't think so. i think she may be a bitch but not a wiley two faced bitch. if that's any consolation, lol. but anyway. i just thought i'd share this bit of hilarity wit yous all.

'relating to the rawness of a fuckin lost kid' 'trying so hard to become': '“you keep shootin' those glances'. 'you keep trippin' on everything I wear, every time I swear, even when it comes to my hair'. 'i'm not a dumb fool in your life'! 'now do you trip?' 'are you still tripping on me?”' yep!


Anonymous said...

Looks like someone's retardedly obsessed over someone else.  Retardedly, did I mention that? Retardedly.  And I mean Stephanie, not Erin, because I'm pretty sure Erin wouldn't have had so much to say if not for Stephanie.   Not to mention, Erin's "DIVINING" could only be based off of what Stephanie told her and what she saw that morning at dragonboating right? I should call up al1 RIGHT NOW and have a conversation about it, but OH SHIT, there IS NO al1! Man, I can imagine the retardedness starting already though, just the thought of it. I mean, what if al = al1, but then again what if al = al0. I mean, since there's an al2, then al must be al1 right? But if that's so then why hasn't there ever been mention of al1, and only al? They must be different. Fallacy, yes, and I still don't care.

To Summarize:  I am upset, at this retardedness. This post gets an official Rip-stamp of "RETARDED". But hey, its your site, post whatever you want.  Just don't expect me to read it.

Anonymous said...

i don’t even get this last comment… how do i show that am i obsessed (retardedly or otherwise?) for fucks sake did you not notice how idefended the damn girl? i only agreed wit erin on two points. and even if erin hadn’t that much to saw about al2 if not for me how does that make me obsessed anyway? because i posted about it? so me posting about things means that i’m obsessed wit them? so that post about marriage a few weeks ago; am i also obsessed wit marriage? also i didn’t tell erin who she was until after db practice. and altho i’m sure that yes my feelings of the girl did color erin’s latter opinion of her the only two points i agreed wit her on were the two points that would have stood anyway. neither of which i have anything to do wit anyway. furthermore i did use the word ‘divining’ (as you yourself pointed out) hinting that i thought erin was pretty much pulling this stuff out of the air. …i don’t even kno why i'm defending myself. i’m not expecting you to read this and it would be so much easier for me to just erase your nonsensical post… well, anyway. i'm just as tired of this shit as you are.   .

Anonymous said...

yes, the mere fact that this deserves an update in your mind to me shows that you're retardedly obsessed over this.  

"MuHAhaA, look what Erin said about Alison! Sure, most of it I don't agree with, but MuHaHaA look what Erin said about Alison! Sure I understand that I only actually agree with her on 2 points, and SURE I used the word DIVINING because I thought Erin was pulling this out of the air, and SURE I understand that MY feelings of Alison DID color Erin's latter opinion, but MUhAHaH, look what Erin said, I MUST POST THIS BIT OF HILAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARITY!"

And now you're 'Just as tired of this shit'
What shit exactly? That I TALK to one of my friends EVERY COUPLE of weeks, 99% online?  That I keep making out with her and cheating on you behind your back?  That I'm madly in love with her and she's madly in love with me? (<- for the retardedly obsessed, those last 2 were sarcastic). While you're off playing footsies getting bruises on your legs...? OH WAIT... MAYBE.. youre 'just as tired of this shit'...BECAUSE you're retardedly obsessed over it.  I'm no psychiatrist, but it makes sense to me.

And you say my post was nonsensical?  Why? Because I brought up al0/al1/al? I guess I didn't really explain it.  I've already lost one of my friends... FOR YOU, BECAUSE of me.  I'm not going to lose another one FOR YOU, BECAUSE of you. (yeahyeah, you never ASKED it of me, blahblahblah

BTW, i hate posting on this thing, because I can't edit it later.