Wednesday, July 13, 2005

hairy fairy!

oh! i forgot (even tho even in the song lyrics of the last post it talked about hair, lol)! i thought it was funny that erin made no mention of al2's shit haircut! altho, lol, i guess i really shouldn't be the one to talk shit about people's hair (but mine was years ago! speaking of which. a few people have commented that i have fabulous hair. i think they're all deluded. long hair does not equal beautiful hair. i have split ends galore and not much volume). but wit the topic of hair, she also didn't talk about the ears or baldspot. which, to give al2 credit, i think everyone has, it's just the way your hair swirls on your head. some are more fortunate, others less. also on the topic of hair? i'm thinking sometime next week i'll finally go in for my haircut (monday or wednesday maybe) (will post before and after photos) eek! 10 inches gone! (do you kno about this? i'm donating my cut hair. which is why it needs to be 10 inches and is also why i've been growing it out.) altho really this won't be nearly as bad as those years ago when i really hacked off my nearly all my hair. and god knows this is for a far better reason than 'i just wanted to see wat i looked like wit short hair'. yay for locks of love! hazzah!

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