Thursday, June 23, 2005


"A growing number of futurists believe that humans will one day be able to change their sex like they change their clothes. Gene implants will allow someone to be a male one year and a female the next!  

"Already, there are a wide variety of hermaphroditic fish, each of which is capable of playing both the male and female role in sexual reproduction—either with other fish or all alone! Within the past 25 years, many accepted beliefs about fish have been demolished. Hermaphroditism (the ability of an individual to function, either in sequence or simultaneously, as a fertile male and a fertile female) has been found to be much more widespread among fish than has previously been suspected.  

"For example, the sea perch has one two-part sex organ; one part produces eggs and the other part sperm. The two parts may mature at different rates, but once they reach maturity, either half can be used at any one time. During the spawning season, one individual will take the male role, fertilizing the eggs of another individual taking the female role. The two fish then reverse roles.  

"Another fish, the grouper, appears to go through two gender changes in the course of a normal life cycle. Beginning sexual maturity as a male, the grouper goes through a period when it is both male and female, then spends the rest of its life functioning as a female.  

"The question that futurists ponder most is what effect easy sex changes will have on social stability among humans. What if, as one scholar suggests, war breaks out and male soldiers turn themselves into females in order to avoid armed combat? Or how will traditionalists react when one person is both mother and father to the same child?"

self love will never be the same again...

1 comment:

ripnla said...

That was way too whack for me. That part about soldiers avoiding the draft was hilarious though. Although I'm sure they could just make all women men and open the draft for everyone.