Wednesday, April 20, 2005

and google that!

as you should kno, google also bought over that satalite map company a while ago and has released google maps (why are we getting our name cues from trump?). one of the things it found was oprah (tilt head left). other interesting places to go are listed here (now if only i could find dork street,  hint, it's in pico rivera). course, now this stupid thing has sparked you wanderlust, which drives you crazy (haha!) cause gas is so damn expensive. well no worries! stephanie always saves the day (well, besides yesterday, i took a day off, so my friend mustard took over): learn to moonshine and save your gas expenses. but maybe you don't want to be driving anyway... not wit guys like this on the road. he's taken his drivers test 272 times. that's right. it's probably just better to sit at home and learn how to pimp your cart. which, of course, will give you practice for when you travel the oregon trail, just like in elementary school!

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