Thursday, February 24, 2005

watta gas

the weirdest scariest shit happened to reep last night. i'm not going to tell you wat tho, cause i'm an ass. lol... but seriously. the weirdest and scariest shit happened to reepal last night. all i gotta say is, 'reep, go buy yourself a freaking lotto ticket, cause lady luck is traveling in your passenger seat.' i, however, don't need the lotto to tell me wat i already kno: i'm a winner. :)  (i'm in a good mood, go figure) btw, just for somewhere to post this, anberlin is my new favorite band. (btw, fuel should be spelled feul. just say it. fffeeeuuuullll. told you.)

'feel everything on fire and i'm dressed to kill' 'so look the other way tonight' / 'time will tell if all turns out ok'

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