Thursday, February 24, 2005

artsy fartsy

more about animals: bug bunny gets an extreme makeoever for his new show 'loonatics'. (get it? how very very witty!) i think they look weird, and maybe it's just me, but it took me a second to realize which one was bugs. ...whoa, did you realize his name is bugs? as in insects? ...yeah... i just... never really realized that. how stupid of me. anyway. not only are animals staring in art, they are also making it. and doing quite well actually. elephants painting and their finished masterpeice. when i first saw this picture i literally started crying. i mean, holy shit! effing elephants painted that!! i can't can't paint nearly half as well. not even an eighth! (whoa that's a weird looking word wit its h's so close together.) ...i am just having a night of epiphanies. btw, did you kno i'm gay? lol. just kidding. seriously tho, i'm smart. well... smarter anyway than this monk who glued his eyes shut cause he confused superglue wit eyedrops. yep, he confused them even tho at that point he could still see! told you i was smarter than that... now if only i could paint like elephants i'd be the perfect woman!

1 comment:

ripnla said...

wow, that bugs bunny thing is crazy....................CRAZY!

“I think the legacy is intact,” he said. “If anything, it’s an homage to the legacy instead of a destruction of the legacy.”

That guy is an idiot.