Tuesday, July 20, 2004

all's fair...

to me, the controversy over 'who should pay' has never been an issue. i like to pay. i like that i am capable of treating my boif to a movie or to dinner or to watever. why should he sacrifice his hard earned money to treat me nice and get nothing in return? this financial equality also extends past just this however. neither of us will ever feel resentment over paying for something we didn't want to do. for instance. i really wanted to go to the lb aqarium. reep didn't want to go. but he was gracious enough to go and keep me company. now, if i had then made him pay for the tickets, i'm sure he would have been quite annoyed, and justifiably so. why should he have to pay to go see something he didn't want to go see in the first place, esp when i have am entirely able to pay! now in relation to the article: lots of people feel pressured to go on dates they don't want to, but they go, cause they're nice or bored or watever. and because of this, whoever asks for the first date ought to pay for that first date. and i say this knowing that i've asked out a guy before, so i'm not being manipulative. then, on the second date, the other person ought to pay. from then on, make it comparable in the amount each person pays so that you're always about even. that's wat reep and i do. sorta. mainly, it's whomever it's most convinient for, that's who pays. so if reep has more cash, he pays. course, i try to keep things around even and i always pay when we're doing something he didn't want to do and i'm pretty sure he does the same. (...i better have not paid for that stupid 'freddie vs jason' movie...) and as for not paying when you kno there's not going to be a second date? watever. i think it's that person's responsibility. you ask someone out: you pay. it's that simple. someone asks you out: you have no obligations towards that person. you don't have to accept, pay, make sure they have a good time, or promise them that second date. that's a chance they take when they ask you out. therefore, if some girl/guy sends you an invoice for a date because you didn't promise them a second one, you can tell them to shove off, courtesy of me.

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