Tuesday, August 23, 2022

august 2022 donation

this month I donated $50 to a gofundme for a coworker's dog who died recently. it did feel weird to give money to a coworker's dog having so recently just given our dog away, but i guess that's how to goes sometimes.

and speaking of how it goes... her dog rather suddenly got really sick, and was throwing up for a full day. after a week and several visits to the vet, they decided to operate. jo had already opened up a few credit cards to charge the $15k for surgery but hercules died in the middle of the operation. hearing her story was really surprisingly, like, jesus... $15k in debt for a dog? i literally couldn't even be bothered to keep my dog around and not because he was sick but mostly because he was annoying and we wanted more freedom of being able to go where and when and for however long we wanted.

anyway, that's really neither here nor there. i hope her other dogs stay healthy. roux too. i hope he stays healthy for as long as steve wants him to.

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