Wednesday, July 13, 2022

free trees

i never really liked my previous made-up non-profit which was basically RIP Medical Debt because it doesn't actually address the issue. sure, it helps people, but it doesn't fix the bigger problem.

so i came up with a new non-profit! we would partner with local nurseries and buy like a half dozen variety of native trees, load them up in a truck, and drive around neighborhoods knocking on people's doors asking if they want a free tree. we would have a binder with info about the types of trees: how they'll look when they mature, how long that will take, maintenance, etc. so they can make informed decisions. we would also have either volunteers or day laborers (whom we would pay) to plant the tree. and we would leave a brochure behind with how to care for the it,

  • trees look nice
  • trees are good for the environment in a lot of ways (invites wildlife, stabilizes soil, makes oxygen, etc.)
  • trees cool homes and streets which is good for not just that particular homeowner who enjoys the shade, but if you have enough shady trees, it literally cools whole neighborhoods
  • we would plant native trees, or at least nothing terribly invasive
  • can also plant fruit trees!
  • by partnering with local nurseries, we support local economies and communities
  • if we hired day labors, we would also doubly be supporting local economies and communities
  • "easy" for volunteers. as in, very little training and commitment with instant gratification. tho they would need to be in reasonably good shape.
  • convenient for homeowners
  • long lasting, easily duplicatable, numbers driven results (which is good for funders)
yeah, honestly, i only came up with this like last week, but i am SO into this! not quite wanting to actually start this non-profit on my own or anything, but way more jazzed about this than the last one i made up.

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