Friday, August 28, 2020


I watched Joker last week, and a few days later I realized that there seemed to be speaking parts for only white or Black people. I don't remember any other races of people talking, which is nuts. 

and this is why I kind of hate the term BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color)

Black people are the go to race when adding diversity. I'm glad that these days tv and movies include more than a single "token black person". but, just as including one black person in a group of a dozen or more white people doesn't make it a diverse cast, adding just one other race doesn't make it so either. 

when Kamala Harris was announced as the democratic VP candidate, I saw SO MANY headlines saying "first Black woman" but only a handful that said "first Asian woman". she's half Indian, and was mostly raised by her Indian mom. (side note, did you know that Tiger Woods is only a quarter black but 1/2 asian [1/4 Chinese, 1/4 Thai]. he's also 1/8 native American and 1/8 white.)

Black people are already highlighted in our society today. yes, often because of horrible horrible things. but they're still assumed to be American. I don't think Black people are often asked "where are you from?" whereas I've been asked dozens of times, even though I speak perfect english with more than a hint of a so-cal accent. asians, and possibly latinx might always be considered "other" in America. we may always be assumed to have immigrated here recently. which is crazy, because a good portion of today's America used to be belong to Mexico. and Mexicans had settled in places like New Mexico before 1600 even!

I don't at all take issue with the I in BIPOC. I think they, more often than the rest of us, get forgotten about. their experience is very different than the rest of us in that this was their land and it was stolen from them. (Mexico lost the Mexican-American war so gave up land in the settlement)

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