Tuesday, August 7, 2018


wow, i haven't updated in a long time! most important update is that, well, yeah. we moved in together and are now fully moved in and have settled into our new lives and apartment. that's not to say it was easy tho!

i knew we had fleas. i wasn't sure from where but i knew the apartment had them. it wasn't a big deal tho since i was only coming up with a bite or two every couple days. until one day when j woke up and there were hundreds suddenly all over the fucking apartment! thankfully my parents had just left town so we moved into their house for a week. the exterminator came and pretty much got rid of the problem except that we both kind of have ptsd.

one nice thing that came out of this was getting to know one of our downstairs neighbors, a. they were also infested. but they're on the ground floor with a small yard and two dogs whereas we're upstairs with no yard or carpet or even rugs (exlucing two small bath mats)!

weeks later and my legs are so ugly still and we're still constantly checking ourselves for fleas. :( oh, lastly, in talking to a I found out that our landlord is looking to sell the place! oof, we have no idea when but apparently he's been trying for a little while already. annoying because no one told us and while neither of us forever loves this place moving is FUCKING TERRIBLE.

anyway, the rest of it has also been difficult. the first month or was really hard. not gonna lie, I cried a couple times with him in the other room. July has been better. we finally got an AC unit, we've adapted to sleeping by together in a full sized bed together, settled into the apartment and each other. will August be even better? lol, no, probably not but whatever since we're going to Mexico City for a week!

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