Sunday, September 27, 2015


the Chinese are fearless. they are nonchalant about sanitation. they get too close to cliffs, traffic, and train platforms. maybe it's their history that makes them so.

i feel like i have a little of that fearlessness. touring china on my own certainly takes some courage. i can barely read or write and even my speaking and listening skills aren't that good. sure, i do a lot of prep at home (i booked all my hotels in advance this time [tho i didn't last time]) but still, i've left most things unplanned. some of it is laziness, some of it is a prudent wait and see. a lot of it is for the adventure of being alone in a foreign place. i often think "what's the worst that could happen? plausibly, anyway?"

i think you learn most about yourself when alone. and i think i've come to learn a lot about myself this trip.

ps, i get that i'm not the most brave ever, touring china. i DO speak the language, after all. it's not as if i were touring japan or wherever.

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