Saturday, March 21, 2015

rock climbing

rip and i have been rock climbing a lot lately. maybe three times in two weeks? i love it! i love that you get dirty, that you get strong, that you get high (well, ish, since i don't like to belay, only boulder), and that you feel the muscle burn right away! i even love that they call it problems!

rip and i got a two month groupon, tho i think when it expires i'll probably take a break for db season. after the season i'll get back to climbing again. rip even got me a pair of shoes for my birthday! turns out that a major rock climbing shoe company is located right in beuna park and they sell factory seconds for cheap, over half off!

i wish there was a gym closer to us tho. the current place we're at may be the closest but i'm not that into them, and it's not even that close. blerg.

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