Thursday, January 15, 2015


i watched snowpiercer, which was a really weird movie. i don't think i liked it. i'm not really gonna bother summarizing the movie cause i have a headache now. probably wondering from wtf i just watched. suffice to say that these peoples are on this train encircling the world. and this train won't / can't stop for nothing so it's a closed ecosystem. they grow their own food (they even have cow and chicken carcasses somehow...), somehow produce energy, and get a lot of the water from the snow outside, tho they do also recycle the water.

everything else aside, it had at least one major stupid (as if you didn't already think of several). a big part of the movie is that everyone has their place. we need an upper class, a working class, and a ... sheesh, not even lower class. but a class of destitutes. more than one time they talk about having to maintain a perfect balance, including, of course, how humans factor into it all. but why do they need a class of destitutes? like, what is even the point?

they apparently eat energy blocks made of bugs, so it's not like they eat regular food. but, like... there are fat destitutes. and there are a LOT of these destitutes. i mean, bugs have a lot of protein, and they procreate really quickly, but where do they get so many bugs to feed so many people?! and these people must still create a lot of waste. which they do what with? and more to the point. WHY?! the fuck is even the point of keeping these people around?

some of it might be a social thing. like, scare the other classes to stay in line or they'll be relegated to the lower class. but, like... why? if they fuck up that bad, just kick them off the train. duh. wouldn't that be way easier? this train even has a whole car of drug addicts sleeping it off in morgue-like box compartments. they also have another car of druggies just passed out on the floor. ...but... why?

part of the story is also that the conductor needs little kids to help run the engine. cause they're so small, see? and apparently the lower class breeds a lot. and i assume it would be inhuman or something to make rich kids work. that's not explained. but like... there are OLD destitutes. and a lot of non-procreating ones. basically, they got a lot of useless people back there. i mean, they do seem to do some manual labor, but not nearly enough to justify keeping them alive. furthermore, some of the destitutes, regular age and really old are handicapped. missing limbs. so they're probably not able to do a ton of work.

i dunno. it's all i could think during the movie. pretty sure that's why i have a massive headache right now. brain kept screaming "WHY?!"

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