Tuesday, January 27, 2015

professional help

in a marriage, is sex a reasonable expectation? if it is, it seems to follow that if you're not sleeping with your spouse, they should be allowed to get it somewhere else, right? morally, you can't really be upset. especially if they're sexing up a pro (ie a prostitute). i mean, if they were sleeping with a friend/coworker whatever there's risk of them crossing the line and developing feelings for them.

it's weird tho. cause people like sex at different frequencies. so at what point do you draw the line?

say you like sex a couple times a week. but you're willing to settle for a couple times a month, at a minimum of 20 times a year. this is already much less than you'd like! now say you and your husband haven't had sex with in 3 months, and you've averaged only 10 times the last two years. your husband is able to have sex, just doesn't want to. you've been to counseling, done dr prescribed drugs, and everything else just short of rape.

how mad can he really be if you find yourself a gigolo?

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