Saturday, October 11, 2014

x-gen bio

i did my x-gen paddler bio thing, and here are some of the more interesting questions and answers but you can watch the video too. answers are the same, explanations are not since i didn't prepare explanations when writing out my answers so they're a little all over the place, hahah.

If you had to do one form of exercise, which would you choose… strength training or cardio? Why? - NONE! i hate exercise. i literally did not know how to spell the word correctly until just a couple years ago. even now i always have to sound that word out. idiotic. ...exercise, that is, not me :)

If you could be any animal, what would it be and why? - a predatory bird. because predators are way better than prey and cause who wouldn't want to be able to fly?!

What is one of the things you would put on your bucket list? - go to petra!

Describe yourself in three words. - volunteering, precise, curious

If you were famous, what would you be famous for? - would love to be known for philanthropy

What was your favorite cartoon growing up? - chip and dale rescue ranges, batman animated

What is the thing you are most afraid of? - falling down stairs. seriously. you will likely never catch me running up or down stairs. and skipping steps? mwaahahaha, no way! that's way too advanced for a klutz like me! (esp at sports stadiums with those aluminum benches? FUCK NO. i have visual flashes getting amputated mid-shin from falling up or down those damn things. legs going one way, me going the other. it's not pretty.)

If you were a super hero, what would your powers be? - time manipulation

Who do you admire and why? - jeannette rankin and melinda gates. jeannette rankin was the first female congressman, and she was voted in even before women had national right to vote!! melinda gates because she's an amazing woman and because her husband (bill gates) said she's the reason he's so philanthropic. she opened his mind and heart towards giving and given they have!

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