Monday, July 14, 2014

3 words

i recently joined a new year-round paddling team, x-generals. they have each new member do a little video thing talking about themselves. to help you prep, they send you a list of questions beforehand. one of the questions was: describe yourself in three words. ...okay, not a question, but anyway.

i spent some time thinking about this and decided on kind, precise, and contradictory. but i think those are rather weak, especially contradictory, because, honestly, who isn't? so i asked a few friends what they thought. well, actually, i asked them what three words they would use to describe themselves. (i'm more interested to hear what others think about themselves than what they think of me, haha).

reepal: tall, funny, smart
th: declined to state
jl: tenacious, clever, loyal
ac: simple, honest, curious

ac then asked me why i was asking him and i told him. we then spent the next like 20 minutes talking about what he would choose for me. first he said community, assertive, honest. eventually he settled on community, assertive, brash. not as complimentary, lol.

in the end i think i'm going with volunteering, precise, curious. why volunteering and not community? because it's an adjective, whereas community is a noun. see, i am absolutely precise. hahahah. (btw, rip seemed a little confused when i said precise. partly i chose it because i can't use the word anal. but also because i am precise. i try to be careful when using my words and i like things to be done a certain way. rip seemed to get precise a little confused with accurate, which i am not as much.) currently i still like volunteering and precise, but am less satisfied with curious. maybe inquisitiveness or questioning?

what would you choose for you? or for me?

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