Wednesday, July 24, 2013

ruby sparks

i recently watched ruby sparks. it's about calvin, "a novelist struggling with writer's block finds romance in a most unusual way: by creating a female character he thinks will love him, then willing her into existence." he writes about her on his typewriter and one morning, when he wakes up, she's there and she's real.

while initially freaked the fuck out, he ends up falling in love with her. i mean, he modeled her after the perfect woman, so why wouldn't he? but since she really is "a real person" of course they start to have the problems that all real relationships do. she eventually asks for some space.

after telling his brother ruby's "creation story" he says that he's no longer going to write about her. the brother asks why? after all, he can do anything: make her hotter, or less annoying. calvin says no.

but after ruby asks for some space he rethinks the situation. he's miserable, and she isn't at all. in fact, she's flourishing. so he sits down at his typewriter and makes her miserable. she immediately calls him and wants him back and and she is a freaking weirdo. she can't stand to be alone, not even for a little bit. he unwrites that and makes her "effervescently happy". she becomes weirder still. it's like she's a little kid. a little kid on e. it's exhausting."she wasn't happy. so I made her happy... and now she's like this all the time."  and now he's in a bit of a pickle. the brother asks why he doesn't just write "and ruby went back to normal." calvin says that before he started writing about her again, she was probably just about to break up with him.

i wonder what i would do. if i could change rip, would i? i probably would. little things mostly. like so he wouldn't ever chew with his mouth open again. but would i mess with the "big" things? the things that actually have to do with the essence of him? be honest, i don't know. there are things, serious things, that we just don't agree on. and it would be so nice and easy to just make him. haha. but that would be unethical. ...but would i care? would you?

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