Thursday, January 31, 2013

so last wednesday

i owe $70 to space from last year's banquet. but i don't go to practice so i haven't "had the chance" to give anyone a check. so i asked the captains if we had a paypal account yet. (they had talked about getting one.) the reply i got was:

"I don't believe so, and Paypal is so last Wednesday ....
We were in process to implement Squareup so we can take CC purchases at the beach"

the FUCK is up with the snark? i don't go to practice to fucking paddle, the hell would i go to pay money? and, btw, when i do go to practice, i NEVER bring my cc (or even my wallet!). not only have i never needed it at the beach, but there has been a recent rash of theft. so fuck you mr so last wednesday. you'll be waiting on my $70 for a while yet!

one more thing, squareup charges 2.75% on each transaction, while paypal is generally free.

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