Sunday, June 24, 2012

be nice!

"When Nice Guys Finish First"

"Psychologists define nice people as those scoring high on a personality trait called agreeableness. This trait often goes along with generosity, consideration for others, a pleasant disposition and a strong desire for social harmony. If you are nice, your overriding concern is to maintain positive relationships with others. You feel happiest when those around you are in harmony, and you go out of your way to smooth ruffled feathers."

so how nice are you anyway? take the test and find out!

i scored a 30. just barely "highly agreeable." not sure if i really agree with this. haha! i know i can be pretty damn bitchy sometimes, though yeah, i'm normally not. and while i do pretty much like everyone i meet, and try to say nice things about everything, i hate confrontation so i try to avoid that as much as possible. ...until you've pissed me off too much. :)


Angeline said...

Fascinating. I got a 28 - Moderately Agreeable. I think it fits, because really, sometimes I am just totally unaware of other people and their perception, but when I am aware, I try to care.

I think you are pretty agreeable not because you bend over backwards or people or anything, but you have good social graces and are actually civil toward people (which seems like a no-brainer but in this day and age is more and more rare).

Rip said...

hMMm... i got a 34.. I dont feel like I lied on it haha, but that cant be right.

step said...

@rip there is no fucking way you are actually a 34. seriously, lol. you must've read the questions backwards or something.