Saturday, May 19, 2012

obama on gay marriage

Biden Apologizes to Obama for Marriage Controversy

1. biden makes me laugh. but seriously, he's kind of a numbskull...
2. about the obama thing: FINALLY!!!

i wonder how much of a real difference this would make. my mom (who is a registered democrat and against gay marriage [tho not gay rights...]) said she would vote for obama anyway because this is just his opinion, and he doesn't get to make laws about gay marriage. i also think that as against gay marriage as you may be, what matters most to you is probably your pocketbook. so assuming you're not a staunch democrat or republican, you'll probably vote for the candidate that has the best plan for economic recovery, job creation, etc, regardless of his/her stance of gays, guns, and abortion. tho all else being equal, you would start to "nit-pick" on issues that don't necessarily affect your daily personal life. but since we're talking democrats and republicans here, i doubt this will really make that huge of a difference. were this the primaries, maybe.

btw, regarding my mom (and many others). she's okay with gay people having "domestic partnerships" or whatever you want to call it, with all the same rights as marriage. but, she is uncomfortable with it being called "marriage". i think this is incredibly strange. i mean, if you're for their rights, why deny them the word? this reeks of "separate but equal". words make a difference. i mean, you wouldn't call a black person a n*gger, because it's simply not the same thing. marriage and domestic what-ever-the-hell are not the same thing because you would not use the words interchangeably.

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