Saturday, April 7, 2012

so rude!

we swore we'd never become one of them. yet we have anyway. who are we talking about? those rude-asses who are always on their phones, checking their email, facebook comments, newsfeeds, games... yup. the people who can't keep eye contact with you during a short conversation because what's on their phone is just so goddamn important.

honestly, i do think i'm better than a lot of the people i know. some people have to charge their phones more than once a day (i usually get two days out of a charge, tho i do turn off my phone at night [approx 7.5 hours] so i'm sure that helps). rip is forever checking his email. tho whenever i ask him if he got something from me, he says no, because he has so much other [junk] email to get through (which actually makes me mad [not just annoyed], because since when did it become the sender's responsibility to make sure you read your email?!) another one of my friends texted through most of a "concert" we were at, even though we were in the front row and within 10 feet of the performers. and to make it worse, at least some of those texts were with the person sitting right next to her (not me, the other guy!).

and no, it's not because i don't have unlimited data or texting. i never come even close to my data limit, and usually only use about half of my texting. it's just because i realize that i'd be a rude-ass hypocrite!

...which, actually, i still am! ... so i'm going to do it less. i won't check my phone during meals with you (unless you leave the table). and i'll only either check my email, twitter, games, or google+. not all of them at once cause that can take forever.

though if i do this, you got to promise me you'll supply interesting conversation topics, because if you don't, i'll kick you hard enough to leave the table so can check the news when you're gone!


Angeline said...

Love this. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people automatically pull out their phone and set it down on the table next to them at mealtimes (although with how big phones are getting, it's more understandable that guys would want to take that big brick out of their pocket to sit, but at least silence it).

Kevin and I made a pact when I got my smartphone (he got his a year later) that dinnertimes, no matter how casual and at-home, were no-smart-phone times. In social settings, I make it a point to silence my phone and keep it in my purse (I'm with you, though...I'll check it if the other person has excused themselves and I'm left alone). Really, my life is not that important, and nothing is that much of an emergency. I'm not always successful at this, but at least I try!

step said...

yeah, i think rip and i should make a pact too. something he does which drive me up the wall is that he immediately gets on his phone to check stuff after getting into my car when i pick him up from the airport. and he actually shushes me when ask him about his trip! makes me feel like a freaking chauffeur. =\