Saturday, January 28, 2012

keys to my...

password sharing: for teens, access to online accounts is a sign of love

rip and i used to tell each other our passwords. and yeah, sometimes one of us would "get in trouble". eventually tho, we stopped updating each other, tho i think more because we both change our passwords pretty often and not because we were hiding stuff from each other.

for other stuff tho we're pretty open. since we both use drive-thru atms we have given each other our atm pins (tho i never remember his). and i think if i asked for his other passwords he'd probably tell me. tho he'd probably ask why and i don't think he'd be too happy if i said "in order to spy on you."

anyway, i don't have a problem with telling him my passwords but i don't think he needs to know them. if he told me he wanted them so he could "check in on me" i wouldn't tell him, and i'd probably become very paranoid and make him turn around every time i typed it in.

i think at a certain point you need to just trust someone. if he really wanted to hide something from me, he would find a way, regardless of how much i tried to spy on him. so why bother spying?

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