Monday, August 15, 2011

male birth control

huzzah! there is a promising new method of male birth control in the form of an oral contraceptive. (there is a gel that sounds pretty interesting, but i know i'd be more interested in a pill) i think this is super fabulous and i've always wondered why there wasn't a pill for men.

if you don't want a kid, and you're sleeping with random people, can you really trust them when they say they're on the pill? no, you cannot. so you should definitely wear a condom! altho everyone knows that doesn't feel as good and they have a higher instance of not working. so then what? well, you can be on the pill too!

some talk hows have been saying really sexist things about men regarding this pill. they seem to believe that women are more responsible and that you "can't trust a man to remember to take the pill." but that's bullshit. if a man gets on the pill he probably wants to be on it, so he'll probably try to remember to take it -- just like women! and if generalizations are to be believed, more men then women don't want kids. so they should, then, more likely want to be able to prevent pregnancies, right? either way, i think this is a great opportunity for men to have more control over their reproductive lives.

i don't know if it was just that rip and i were in a stable relationship, but when i was on the pill, i asked him to remind me about it every day. i felt like it was his responsibility too. it's not just that i don't want a baby; we don't want a baby.

the male birth control pill is a great way for both partners to be involved. you can both be on the pill so if one of you forgets, you've got backup. rather than saddling one person with the whole burden, you are both being responsible for pregnancy prevention.

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