Monday, June 27, 2011

colorado: uncut

"Colorado to End Medicaid Coverage of Circumcision"

i agree with colorado. this is a completely elective surgery, so why should all taxpayers be forced to pay for it?

how does infant circumcision work anyway? do the doctors ask the parents first or do they just do it automatically? cause i don't think i'd want my kid circumcised. i mean, what's the point? it's been proven that it doesn't significantly prevent disease. maybe way back in the day it used to because people didn't have regular access to soap or clean water, and even if they did, it may have been the custom not to bathe.

also, i feel like if uncut penes really did foster diseases, wouldn't tons of men / boys have died before our ancestors figured to cut off the foreskin? and if that were so, wouldn't evolution have favored those born with shorter foreskins? so wouldn't guys naturally just not have them now?

i feel like if you're a guy who doesn't unprotectedly sleep around with diseased people and who cleans off regularly, you'll pretty much be okay. in which case, i, as your mother, don't need to worry about your foreskin. so hey, how's that parents? instead of circumcising your sons for their health, just teach them to be clean and smart.

none of these arguments apply for those who do it for religious reasons, obviously.

1 comment:

neurp said...

"In 2007, the World Health Organization found that male circumcision can reduce the risk of HIV infection from women to men by about 60 percent"

first convincing argument for circumcision i've ever heard.