Thursday, July 31, 2008

so long so cow?

whoa, been a long time since i last updated. altho i'm not sure all that much has changed? well. i guess the most recent change is that socow db season is over. and actually, this was the best season i've had in a while. the last few years so cow has been getting worse and worse (i don't mean performance wise. i actually have no idea how we do from year to year). we've had political problems and personal problems. bah. the last couple years were so bad i was seriously considering quitting altogether. but it's a damn good thing i stayed! after wat happened in the years previous, i sort of decided to make this year the make it or break it year for me. i remembered wat i didn't like about last year, and decided to do it all differently. and i think the changes this year were for the better.

somewhat importantly: we had fewer leaders. we were more organized and there was more agreement about wat we wanted and how we were gonna do it. and i think we had equal involvement and dedication from each of the leaders as well. altho i'm also a part of space dragons, and altho i have some more responsibility wit the overall dragon boat club this year, i tried to always make socow my priority. and honestly, i think it showed (example below?).

for me, the best part of the weekend was on saturday when the team went out for lunch. socow had only one race on saturday, at around 12.30pm. i had one before and one afterwards wit space women's, so i got to the beach early and had to leave late. so after the socow race the team was deciding where to get lunch. originally we were gonna get bjs in long beach, but people decided they didn't want anything quite so heavy. so they decided on thai food back in cypress (cause we kno the area better). but since i didn't drive, i decided not to go to lunch wit the team, cause that would mean someone would have to drive me back to long beach after lunch. and of course i didn't insist that the team eat in long beach. but as they were leaving, they noticed that i wasn't packing up. i explained the situation and immediately people were like, 'then let's eat out here.' tom looked up a round table on his iphone and the whole team ended up eating out in long beach. it was awesome. :)

sunday evening we went out to korean bbq. nearly everyone made it, only two were missing. but it was really fun. reep and i sat wit a group we didn't really get to kno at competition, and it was just great. :) i can't stop saying that, that it was great. because it was.

everything this year was great. tourny was well run, we had tents provided, lots of trash cans. and our team was great too. no drama, no real cliques, everyone got along. and we did really well! our fastest time was 2:33: something. which is freaking awesome considering we only had 7 beach practices, and not one practice had everyone at it! i'm so proud of our team this year. i can honestly say that. and i think it might be the first time in a long time i've said that. :) everything was great.

anyway. this season was seriously great. i'll update about space later. :)


Anonymous said...

yeah, this years team was pretty amazing.  Considering not everyone was at all the practices at the same time, yet when it was race weekend, every single person was there for every single race across both days.  Which was pretty important since we had EXACTLY enough people.  Thats just.. insane. And like 90% of everyone was at every non race thing too, pretty awesome LB this year.

Anonymous said...

pat on the back! golf clap. proud of you *and* the team...mostly just you. i am quite envious of your fit dragon boat paddler's arms...i think i would love to be on your team next year. :)