Saturday, March 22, 2008

you there?

it's weird just how little you may actually kno your 'friends'. a friend of mine disappeared a while back. i haven't had any real contact with him in about 6 months. he's always been sort of a flake tho, and we had a little bit of drama so i didn't really think anything of it. but recently he contacted me and appt he had a rather serious drug problem. i knew that he was using but i didn't really think too much of it. he always seemed to have that under control. it seemed like it was the other stuff that was messing him up. i haven't been close to him in a couple years, but even so it was a bit of a shock.

the last few years, wat wit people moving home, moving away, and just plain living their lives, have brought about many reconnections and perhaps even more disconnects. maybe because i've always been here, sorta sedentary, people feel that they can trust me wit their stuff. and while i feel in some ways privileged to deserve such trust, it does come at a price. you very clearly see people and how they became the people they are. yet sometimes sadly, there's nothing you can do to help them, and all you can do is listen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am confused, to say the least.

there are people that say ...if you truly love someone and you are truly against what they're doing (i.e. they are addicted to drugs and are in complete denial and have succumbed to asking you money and now owe you loads to buy the drugs)...some people say after youve tried your best to intervene and let them know they're in the wrong, and if they still remain the same and get mad at you---then its time to walk away from that relationship. because it hurts you to watch them do that...and hey, they're stealing your money to buy their drugs.

others would say, its your true friends that stick by you thru the thick and then...but then its like, if that's true, wouldn't your true friend try to do what's best for you?

maybe this would sound better if discussed in person. regardless...that's where im at... wondering which one it really is.