Thursday, March 20, 2008

mind over matter

i've decided to go to tempe race at the end of this month wit space dragons. i was sorta wondering if i should go... i don't kno anyone on the team, i'm not in shape, it's gonna cost, etc. so i asked reep if he wanted to go away for the weekend instead. but he didn't really say that he wanted to. and he's planning to buy a car soon, and everyone knows you should buy at the end of the month, so... i'm going to tempe. i was kind of thinking, why am i really not going to tempe? because i wanna spend a weekend wit reep? i can spend any weekend wit him tho! i think this is better. altho last night (or the other night) he said he said that he was disappointed because he was hoping we could spend a weekend together. ...why didn't you say so in the first place?!

on sunday i was debating whether or not to visit reep at lunch during his lunch break. i asked him if he wanted me to go. he said that it was up to me. well i already knew that, but i'm asking if you want me to come or not. he wouldn't give me a straight answer. i ended up going anyway, but not telling him about it in advance. he ordered a larger lunch so we could share and even got me a drink. later he said that if i hadn't gone he would've been kind of sad. ...why didn't you say so in the first place?!

somewat unrelatedly, altho it does correspond. why do people get mad at other people when they can't read the first person's mind?! i'm guilty of the same, so it's not like i'm just outwardly pointing fingers here, but you gotta admit, it's pretty damn stupid.

and for those of you whom i haven't talked to in a while, but have talked to recently. reep and i talked about and settled the bday present ish. he got me ram. :) i don't kno how much yet, but appt it was expensive because i have the old kind. bah. but either way, it'll be more than my current miserable half gig.

..and for those of you still wanting to get me a present, how about an mp3 player? my current one is itty bitty. i think it's only 128 megs, eesh! i don't want anything big. no more than 4gigs for sure but more than 1. maybe only 2 gigs? very basic, very small; no big screens, no ipods. maybe something like this? lol, i dunno. i have to research. i wish i could get one before the tempe tourney but i'll be spending unspecified amounts of money there so i won't be able to afford an mp3 player before then. bah.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

communication...sigh. a lot of regrets on that one...

open the doors of communication.