Wednesday, February 13, 2008

scary lovers

a little halloween horror. (no honestly, he can't really look like that, right? it's gotta be the camera angle or something...)

+---------------------- Bizarre Love Stories ---------------------+  

Peter the Great had his wife's lover executed and his head put into a jar of alcohol. She had to keep it in her bedroom.  

After having a two year affair with Catherine the Great, Gregory Aleksandrovich Potemkin remained a valued advisor to Catherine. He even helped her pick out future lovers.  

Cleopatra married two of her brothers and was the mistress of both Caesar and Mark Antony.  

Fernade Olivier lived with Picasso for seven years. They wanted to marry but Olivier couldn't find her estranged husband to divorce him. In the 1940's she found out he had died right after she met Picasso - 40 years earlier.  

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