Monday, February 25, 2008


i think a lot of guys don't kno how to buy women flowers so they stick to roses, which are safe and generally well received. but i think a lot of women don't really like roses as much as society leads one to believe. well, the more traditional sort might. but i think a lot of ladies, esp the mid 20s - 30s set, might appreciated something more personalized (because let's face it, less generic tends to be perceived as more thoughtful!).

my personal favorite bouquet flowers are gerbera daises. they come in tons of colors and are really cheap. i like lots of petals on my flowers, so i also like zinnias, mums and lisianthuses. and i kno carnations don't have the best reputation (they're cheap and kind of tacky) but i kind of like them. if you're gonna get someone carnations, don't get plain ones! how about fancy ones like this one or this one.

a very sophisticated set (not bouquet!) of flowers might be some orchids or calla lilies. the both last a long time and don't require a lot of filler flowers. a more fiery lady might like some birds of paradise and some more exotic greenery.

if you insist on getting roses, why not go for something a bit unexpected? how about some antique roses? or if you don't really kno wat those are, how about getting roses that aren't just a single color? you can mix and match a bouquet, or you can get the types of roses that look sorta tie-dyeish, like these ones.

basically, don't be afraid to get creative [some really great arrangements on this site]! don't think that a dozen roses is best. a few will do you! or really try and think outside the box, instead of a bunch of flowers, how about a bunch of greenery and just a couple of blooms, this is a great example of such. sogood luck and happy gifting!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

.......we all know what we think about these:

two words: funeral basket.