Wednesday, February 27, 2008

db 08?

dragon boating. i don't remember how much i've actually posted on this site. but you probably kno that last summer i was rather hesitant to get into it again. after the summer, i was damn near ready to quit. right now, lol, i'm not sure. if you've talked to me, you kno my main reason for quitting is political, not for other reasons. but it seems like this summer, those problems my be working themselves out. huh, interesting...

in few weeks, the team leader(s) will be sending out an email people from last year's team and asking if they still wanna form a team this year. i'm not exactly sure wat i want tho. but if said problem does work itself out, and if we do have a reasonable amount of people, i think i might go ahead wit it. we'll probably have to combine wit song's team (if he's okay wit it) (cause a lot of our people left for lard, and i don't think they'll be back), and of couse we'll have to recruit for new people (but i've already couple who are interested), but i think it might be doable.

we'll see?

btw, if you or anyone else you kno might be interested in dragon boating this summer (two months only! [june, july], can commit to about 1.5 hours a week [weekend, don't kno which day yet], all weekend july 26-27, and is relatively free from serious injury, let me kno!!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

free from serious MENTAL injury....ahahahahah