Friday, January 18, 2008

prying noses

was watching the news the other night and heard the calabasas is banning smoking cigarettes inside your own apartment. as usual, i did some research before updating my site and saw that i got a few things wrong. they're only banning smoking in 80% of apartments (why 80%? the article doesn't say, but i read elsewhere that these days only about 20% of americans are smokers). but it doesn't matter cause appt the city of belmont has already passed legislature outlawing smoking in multi-unit housing legislature (aka, attached apartments and condos), and since there are no %s named, i guess this means that there's no smoking in any belmont apartment (multi-unit ones anyway).

i have mixed feelings about this. on one hand, i'm thinking this is great. i kind of feel like we should outlaw all smoking anyway, so this is in line wit that. but i think it's really weird how you can regulate otherwise legal activity in someone's own home. i understand that you don't own an apartment and that your second-hand smoke might get into someone else's space but... why can't we just regulate the second hand smoke factor? as in, if your neighbors file several complaints against your smoke getting into their apartment, you're gonna have to make sure it doesn't get in their way. i do feel like my right to cancer free air trumps your right to kill slowly yourself by smoking, but... this might be going a little too far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think it might also be to protect the people who own the apts...what do you think? When you have someone renting your apt and they are smoking inside it twenty four seven, the rooms and carpet absorb that smell.  I think when you move out, it still can smell like smoke.  Therefore, it would be protecting others too.  

But obviously secondhand smoke is muy importante, like in the commercials. And I think it's hard to track down where the smoke is comin from in an apt complex if its larger, cuz the ventilation systems should all be connected. Maybe this also just makes it more convenient.

The 80% thing is weird tho.