Tuesday, December 11, 2007


+------------- Bizarre Abraham Lincoln Facts --------------+  

During the 1860 Republican National Convention, his campaign managers forged convention passes in order to pack the galleries with Lincoln supporters, shutting out hundreds of his opponent's supporters in the process.  

Lincoln hated being called "Abe" - friends called him Lincoln.  

Although Lincoln's voice is often portrayed in movies as being deep and booming, his actual voice was high-pitched, piercing and shrill.  

Lincoln wasn't always honest: After one trip to Springfield, Illinois, he filed for compensation for the 3,252 miles he claimed to have traveled. The actual length of  the trip was 1,800 miles.  

He really did carry important documents in his stovepipe hat.  

About a week before his assassination, Lincoln had a dream in which he "awoke" to the sound of sobbing and went to the East Room of the White House - which had been prepared for a funeral. When he asked a guard who had died, he replied: "The President."

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