Thursday, June 14, 2007

the sun!

+--------------------- Bizarre Space Facts ---------------------+  

If the Sun stopped producing energy today, we wouldn't know about it for ten million years.  

On a clear night in the autumn you can see two million years back in time.  

The first living creature to orbit the Earth was a dog called Laika.  

People in space are up to 5 centimeters taller than they are on Earth. Without the effect of gravity pressing them down, their vertebrae (sections of their spine) move a little further apart.  

The footprints that Neil Armstrong and the other astronauts left on the surface of the Moon will still be there in a million years' time.  

Jupiter is so big you could fit the Earth inside it 1300 times over.  

On the Sun a person would be as heavy as an elephant is on Earth. The Sun is 330,000 times more massive than the Earth, so its gravity is very strong. 

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1 comment:

ripnla said...

"The footprints that Neil Armstrong and the other astronauts left on the surface of the Moon will still be there in a million years' time."

Unless it gets hit by an asteroid!