Monday, May 21, 2007


my uncle. elgh. you should kno that i already avoid our bathroom because of the various surprises i've found. ..i'm also starting to avoid the study room cause he spends a lot of time there (if he's home, he needlessly checks his email a minimum of four times a day.)

each of us in this house has our own chores. most of them are not very defined. but generally, i vacuum the house at least every two weeks. as a kid, another of my chores was the "mop" the downstairs floors. i had to do it the cinderella way. bucket and rag, on hands and knees. but a couple years ago we got a swiffer and damn does it make cleaning easy! anyway, so because my uncle basically does nothing around the house, around 3 months ago my mom assigned him that job (cause it's easy). i explained to him where things were, how to do it, and that usually i used two wet cloths for the whole of the downstairs. i also explained to him my system so that using only two would be enough. anyway, he never did a very good job, but at least it was cleaner than if no one did it.

today my mom and i were in the kitchen cooking and he starts "mopping" the entryway tile area, which he finishes in, swear to god, less than two minutes. i told him that there was no way he could have done a good job in that little time (come on, i've done it and it never takes me less than 10 so two is just crazy). he defended himself. i said i doubted it. my mom doubted it too, so she went to have a look. surprise surprise, the entryway was not at all clean. i mean, he does even move our shoes; he just sorta swiffers around them. ...anyway. so then he starts saying that he already used one cloth and he can't do the rest of the downstairs on just one more. i say "...the point isn't about using however many number of cloths, it's to clean the floor. so if you have to use more cloths to get it clean, then use as many as you need." he starts stuttering about how he's already used one and can't use another ...he does this. he never directly answers a question, doesn't listen to your answer when he asks you a question, and disregards nearly everything you have to say. argh! anyway. so we explain to him a few more times that he can use as many cloths as he feels in nessecary, as long as he does the job right. he complains about how expensive it all is (and it isn't really, wat's more, he doesn't pay for it). so i'm like 'dude, no one cares how you do it. just make it clean. swiffer, mop, cinderella style, watever. clean is clean.'

after he finishes, he proudly tells us that he's used four cloths and therefore he's done a good job.

after he goes upstairs, my mom and i check the ground. yeah... i could've done better in two. ...ass...


Anonymous said...

old dumb bastard =p

Anonymous said...

oy. that would be so hard for me to endure.

i think id go insane.