Friday, September 1, 2006


it was my mom's bday the other night so we went out to macaroni grill out in huntington beach. normally we don't much celebrate my rent's bdays (i'm the only one that cares much for bdays) but this year was a special one for my mom. back when my parents were born in taiwan, they used to use the lunar calender quite a bit. i'm not totally sure on the details, but i think the lunar calender has 12 months wit an alternating 29 or 30 days per month. so every couple years they have a 'leap month' rather than our 'leap day'. so the year my mom was born, she was actually born in the second 'july'. and that day equated to our august 30th. many years passed and never again did her lunar calender birthdate match up wit our gregorian calender birthdate. but this year it did! and it was like the first time in 36 years or something like that. i don't really kno how all this works out. but anyway. it was a special one.

1. bday girl. 2. mom & dad. 3. mom & dad & uncle. 4. bday cake drawing by me. lol. looks like a 4yr old drew it...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dude that fourth picture is by far the best one youve ever taken. its even better than the one of me and tsai with kitchen utensils